Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Top Ten Reasons Why Garci is Wearing a 'Janjalani' Head Gear

  1. Bald spot is getting bigger.
  2. He's getting bald. It's December. It's cold. He's head is freezing.
  3. He's trying to look like an Ab Sayaff rebel - because everyone loves a rebel.
  4. The fabric of the head gear contains anti-wire tapping molecules.
  5. Garci thinks that the head gear would enhance his image.
  6. Garci thinks that the head gear would accentuate his face.
  7. The head gear is covering his passport.
  8. The head gear is covering the "script" that Gabby Claudio and company made for the congressional hearings.
  9. The head gear is covering the missing ballots.
  10. It's actually a protective gear. What if Garci meets Mike Arroyo in a dark alley carrying a baseball bat?

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