I have finally completed my personal blacklist of candidates that should not win in the upcoming midterm elections.
Mike Defensor
Days from now, I will be posting pictures of tree killers - candidates whose paraphernalia desecrate the beauty and dignity of trees in the metro. There are only a few healthy trees left in Metro Manila and these candidates have the arrogance of placing their non-biodegradable campaign materials in tree trunks? Ironically, the former Department of Environment and Natural Resources secretary tops the list. Sure he could always say that he does not know about it and that it was the work of his uninformed supporters. But he's tree-killing paraphernalia are spread out in Quezon City, his family's supposed bailiwick.
Francis Pangilinan
Mr Sharon Cuneta is the second worst tree-killer in Quezon City. Maybe this is his way of exacting revenge to the city that DID NOT VOTE for him. Candidates who utilizes the star power of their wives should not be elected. If that is the case then they should let their wives run instead.
Ralph Recto
One word: taxes.
Miguel Zubiri
His photoshopped campaign pictures makes you want to run blind-folded in the QC Circle. But this avowed environmentalist is another tree killer. Apart from that,he should better explain how his family would benefit from bio-fuel diesel. This type of energy harnesses corn and SUGAR - right? Sugar.
Edgardo Angara
This candidate is dangerous to your presidency. Right Erap? Right FPJ?
Joker Arroyo
What the hell happened to you?
Manny Villar
He is espousing industriousness and patience in order to succeed in life. He should add a third one: marry somebody from a rich and influential family.
Tito Sotto
Even if he did not defect to the dark side, I still would not vote for him. Why? He is Tito Sotto.
Tessie Oreta
She promises free pre-schooling. Even if that is the only that she would do in the senate - then my goodness - she's an utter waste of pork barrel. Pre-school only? Why not complete formal education?
Prospero Pichay
The word 'arrogance' was invented for him. His bulge is enough evidence how voracious his appetite is and would be if elected to the upper chamber.
Luis Singson
Cesar Montano
Whatever got into the head of this guy? You have a beautiful wife. Two beautiful childeren. A flourishing path to acting greatness and you opted to plunged head-first to a concrete wall of embarrassment by running in the senatorial elections? For a decisive actor, you're one lousy decision-maker.
John Osmena
I'm from the University of the Philippines. I don't forget my history. I don't forget our history.
Nikki Coseteng
She must have forgotten something that is why she is running again. What could that be?
You might be looking for names like Vic Magsaysay and Jamalul Kiram. Congratulations! Your memory is in good condition. You did remember their names.Wow.
bayaran ka kamo ng kampon ni erap!!!
bayaran ka kamo ng mga kampon ni erap!!! kabit ka siguro ng papa erap mo!!! puro ka kabalbalan!!
Purple Phoenix,
Let's forget the Senate the way it is set up at present. Whoever gets the mandate in the next election does not represent the whole nation or any region or district and can not be accountable to any particular constituents. There is no Accountabiity. The defects of the whole system go far beyond the personalities, that not voting a particular slate of candidates and voting a particular one would never solve the problem. I suggest talk about reforming the Electoral Process as a whole. Look at the system of Progressive countries in the neighborhood, South Korea, Japan, even South Vietnam or you may even start looking at even more progressive countries like Australia, NZ, Canada, those that successfully adopted the British type Bilateral Parliamentary system. Meantime, until then, go out and vote this coming election..
I would like to thank you for visiting my blog and reading my entries. However, I would like to tell you that I was part of EDSA Dos. If you still remember your history, it was the pseudo-revolution that kicked Erap out of position.
Second, my father is aligned with the administration. Yet he gives me freedom in choosing the candidates who I think should be elected. The last time I check, the Philippines is a democratic country.
Third, just a point of clarification, I am not a mistress of Estrada. I do not even have a boyfriend until now. Why? I don't need one.
Lastly, if you are really brave as your comments could you please identify yourself. I'm proud of what I'm saying that's why even put my picture beside it. Are you proud of what you're saying? If yes, tell me your identity.
Jowana Balana Bueser
See. I could even right my full name with all dignity.
Are you related to the congressman?
Anyway, I still think that Recto, Arroyo, Pangilinan and Villar are still the best options for the Senate.
You would vote for Chiz Escudero? have you heard his plans for education? he wants to scrap algebra, chemistry and trigonometry from the high school curriculum. Will you vote for someone that stupid?
Recto is to "blame" for the economic growth that we're experiencing now. I admire him for his tenacity to stick with an unpopular bill. He knew the benefits of pushing for the RVAT and he stuck to his guns despite the risk.
I'm disappointed that you're considering almost everyone from the opposition slate - most notably Escudero and Cayetano. Oh, well some people are just easily swayed by vacuous verbal calisthenics.
Sir Lateralus,
You should know who the real Recto is. As they say, if you're really from Batangas you will not vote for a Recto.
Villar has only one agenda: become president of this country. You would have a different idea about this guy if you have heard what a popular mayor from the south said about him. So much for sipag at tiyaga.
Joker Arroyo. Hmmm...ubusin ang corrupt but he's with the Arroyos?
Kiko Pangilinan. If you only knew...maybe the Sanlakas people could enlighten you on their former member.
With regards to the scrapping of the subjects, I'd like to ask you are the students who are taking these subjects in high school learning from it? Even just the basics of the subjects? You should see how it's being thought in public schools and even private schools. I'm sure you would weep. I know this because I was once a cathechist in a public school.
Are you referring to the bullet congressman? Yup. I'm related. You have a problem with that?
Hmmmm... I'm not quite sure if my comment got through before the power tripped so I'll say it again.
Do I have a problem with that? Lol.
Don't be too defensive. It makes you sound very pathetic and a bit stupid.
Coreena Bueser was my high school classmate and orgmate. I guess you're cousins.
If Algebra and Chemistry is not being taught well in the public schools, how did you arrive at the solution that we should eliminate them from the standard curriculum? Our national aptitude for Mathematics is already LOW. If you want to improve the scores of children, you have to reform how the subject is taught and the last thing you would suggest is to remove the subjects.
I went to a state/public highschool and a lot of us passed the UPCAT (close to 90%). Heck, I even got one of the highest scores that year. Children will learn if they are taught well and if they are determined to learn. Having one stupid politician say that ALGEBRA is IRRELEVANT is damaging to the psyche of young children who are just trying to grasp the concepts of Mathematics.
Your argument of "bad teaching methods" = scrap subjects defies logic. It's very disappointing. I think you're a smart person (and you certainly cake it one every time you defend yourself), but if you don't ground your arguments on logic, you're just as stupid as any person who can't talk coherently.
Cayetano's Bills in Congress = ZERO
All he did was go on fruitless fishing expeditions against the First Family. Did he prove anything? NO. He had every chance to prove his allegations but he clearly didnt have any evidence to back it up. Putak lang ng putak. People like him, need people like you (those who are blinded by their hatred for GMA) to fuel their political ambitions.
The opposition is bound by hate for GMA - and nothing else. That's why you're supporting them.
Have a nice day.
Just wanna comment regarding Cayetano's record. I agree - total zilch and wasted taxpayer's money.
He was a total failure regarding his German bank account expose. It was his responsibility to come up with solid evidence regarding that account as the accuser. He should have done some investigative work before making it public and not just wave the numbers in the hall of Congress.
He has the account number, that's an IBAN number, from the IBAN No. he could tell from which country, and which bank the account is. And yet, when the First Gentleman came out with a certification from the German Bank, he suddenly comes up with the question that the account may have been from an Austrian bank or branch. Excuse me - 'di puede ata yan! That was a complete cop out from the young congressman. He never did explain that! I believe Congressman Zamora had a speech regarding the IBAN No. and how one should be able to tell certain specifics about the account thru the numbers alone. Cayetano should have been able to specifically state what was wrong with the German bank's certification which he did not do.
Just wanna comment regarding Cayetano's record. I agree - total zilch and wasted taxpayer's money.
He was a total failure regarding his German bank account expose. It was his responsibility to come up with solid evidence regarding that account as the accuser. He should have done some investigative work before making it public and not just wave the numbers in the hall of Congress.
He has the account number, that's an IBAN number, from the IBAN No. he could tell from which country, and which bank the account is. And yet, when the First Gentleman came out with a certification from the German Bank, he suddenly comes up with the question that the account may have been from an Austrian bank or branch. Excuse me - 'di puede ata yan! That was a complete cop out from the young congressman. He never did explain that! I believe Congressman Zamora had a speech regarding the IBAN No. and how one should be able to tell certain specifics about the account thru the numbers alone. Cayetano should have been able to specifically state what was wrong with the German bank's certification which he did not do.
I got some of the reasons why you included some of the people in your list, I may or may not agree on them. One person you did not expound on was Prospero Pichay - Arrogant? How? Because I think most of the people running for the Senate has a lot of ARROGANCE in them. Also, you cited his belly - you must hate fat people and think they can't do anything good in this world! VERY SHALLOW!
Okay! Here's how arrogant Pichay is.
Did you know that there is a bias regarding the punishment of ADULTERY (for women) and CONCUBINAGE (for men)?
If you're a woman who committed adultery you can be found guilty if your husband can show a video or picture of you going out in a motel with a man. The woman could be punished for 6 years. On the other hand, for a man who's charge with concubinage - his wife must present records that show that the man is FINANCIALLY supporting his mistress. If found guilty, he can be punished for 2-3 years.
A lawmaker from Batangas saw the discrepancy and wanted to change it. You know what's the reply of Pichay? Two words: NO WAY! Is that ARROGANCE OR NOT?
Regarding the belly? I'm also fat. I've nothing against fat people. But I have a lot of issues regarding people who got fat from money made from publishing smut tabloids like Remate. Yeah. You read it right. Pichay was a smut publisher before.
You want further reasons?
Hmmm, not convinced - you mentioned an issue regarding the disparity on how the law treats men and women for a similar offense and on that particular issue Pichay said "No Way" - making him forever arrogant. I don't know why he said what he said but that's just one incident and we do not know what was behind his saying "No Way". I still believe that most of the people running for Senate are arrogant. Here's a few examples:
Ping Lacson demanding that FPJ run as his Vice President because he raised more campaign funds - arrogant.
Cayetano for not having more evidence to show regarding his German Bank Expose, thus not doing his homework and his duty as an accuser - arrogant, and not counting his shaming of the MOTHER of his namesake for this election campaign - definitely arrogant and scares the bejeezers out of me when he becomes a senator.
Trillanes, for attemting to wrest power through the barrel of a gun - definitely arrogant!
Pimentel - his name is KOKO, for having a misleading senatorial campaign - people watching his ads would think they are voting for his father - arrogant, misleading and fraudulent, and make a mockery of our electoral process (but of course they would argue it is all legal). The fact that there would be TWO Pimentels, should the son win, I find arrogant! (others, like Magsaysay doing the same tactic falls into this as well)
Loren Legarda for thinking she won over the more popular Noli De Castro during the last elections - Arrogant.
The list can go on, . . . on both sides of the fence.
Oooh. Better make sure that the feminists won't identify you. That guy shouted NO WAY in front of women. What do you think is he trying to project? That he is gender sensitive enough?
If you're not yet convinced then by all means campaign and vote for Pichay.
If his NO WAY action is not arrogant enough for you...sorry. I'm a woman and that doesn't come to me as something appropriate. There are men out there who thinks that that action is uncalled for. I guess some are just insensitive.
Well you may condemn a man for a single action - sure that's your right. I think that you should just state that he's against Feminists instead of calling him arrogant. You should campaign against him based on that issue and not state something generic for which other candidates would fall into as well, and probably worse. You don't seem to condemn others that may have been more arrogant than him in graver ways.
Or is it because he sits on the wrong political fence for you?
A word of advice: The problem with stating things in the generic or generalizations is that generalizations usually have a very narrow footing to stand on, and worse, usually reflects an underlying prejudice.
As for me, don't judge me on my politics regarding feminism, I'm not against women and neither are most people in this country. Again, I remind you to heed my advice in judging someone based on a single action and generalizations. I think this acceptance of equality, though imperfect - find me a place where it would be perfect for both genders, has been shown by the mere fact that we have two female presidents. How both performed? That is for history to decide.
Any comments on the other candidates that, to me at least, would seem more arrogant than Prospero Pichay?
Just another comment regarding another candidate in your "blacklist" - Ralph Recto: Taxes. Taxes is not necessarily bad. It is a fact of life, as they say, there are only two sure things in life - death and taxes. Again, generalizations such as these are counterproductive and feeds on ignorance and prejudices of your readers. I mean, of course everybody, including myself, has some prejudice against taxes. Who wouldn't - but to state in a blacklist someone, because of just one word -"taxes" is not fair at all. We should not make bogeymen out of words alone, and when you mention "taxes" in that context it seems very negative as "taxes" deserves blacklisting. How would any government run without taxes? Did the taxes not help in getting the country out of a fiscal runt? Did it not help provide confidence to the international community? A lot of countries have very high taxes as well, do we condemn these countries and blacklist them? Question their fiscal management because of "taxes" - I mean based upon your argument, or the lack of it, we should be able to just discount them off because they have high taxes without going into details why.
just another thought - you posted your blacklist, may we know who your annointed 12 are?
^ not 12. Only 2. I'm still including 1 more. But as of now 3.
By the way, it just so happened that there were feminists around. Most of those feminists are concerned with OFW issues.
Did I mention that most people working in the House of Representatives will not vote for Pichay? The reason? He's arrogant. I guess they are in a better position to say that he's arrogant because they always see him in his natural habitat.
I've seen Pichay in a number of interviews, I like the way he speaks, straight to the point but with sense and his arguments are well thought out. I do not have to agree with everything he says, neither should anyone, but I would vote for someone who speaks with clarity and sense, even if I disagree with what he says than someone who merely speaks of what is popular at the time.
Arrogant? Hmmm, I never saw him in any of his interviews as being arrogant. But being frank may be viewed in this country as arrogant, especially if they disagree with what someone says. I would characterize the guy as being more gutsy than anything else. That is part of his role as a legislator, not to take NO for an answer. Imagine how effective a legislator will be if he just takes NO for an answer?
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The key to a profitable and lucrative business is to build a [U][B]pandora jewelry[/U][/B] large customer base. In order for you to get customers to comeback you must be [B][URL=http://www.tiffanysfree.com]tiffany necklaces[/URL][/B] able to please them with the quality of your items as well as the attractiveness of your designs. Always find unique [U][B]tiffany engagement rings[/U][/B] and stylish designs, you wouldn't want to sell everybody else is selling. If your pieces are just ok and plain you may have difficulty [U][B]tiffany[/U][/B] keeping faithful customers. Aside from having quality merchandise you [U][B]pandora[/U][/B] also should be pricing them reasonably, not too expensive but not too cheap. Always make [B]tiffany jewellery[/B] your customers feel special in finding the best priced jewelries they [U][B]tiffany pendants[/U][/B] can find.
Finally you will have to decide how you want to sell [B]tiffany engagement rings[/B] your items. E-commerce is of course very interesting but then in-store is also great [U][B]pandora bracelets[/U][/B] because nothing can beat the appeal of seeing the Tiffany jewelry pieces in person. It basically ends [U][B]tiffany[/U][/B] with how much you can invest in the business e-commerce will be favorable if you want to cut [U]pandora bracelet[/U] down on overhead expenses. On the other hand in-store selling may just make up for expenses of maintaining a [U]tiffany][/U] showroom because customer find tangible [B]pandora beads[/B] stores are easier to trust.
Tiffany's jewelry is world famous company and if [B][URL=http://www.etiffanystore.com]tiffany jewelry[/URL][/B] you cannot afford the actual jewelry there are a lot of Tiffany inspired jewelry to choose from. While Tiffany's [B]tiffany charms[/B] has produced some more affordable pieces like key chains and money clips [U]pandora jewellery[/U] for those wanting the elegant pieces without the price tag there are other options. Tiffany produces bracelets, rings, earrings [U][B]tiffany[/U][/B] and necklaces.
Besides the traditional Tiffany's style, the jewelry [B]tiffany jewelry[/B] comes in the traditional blue box and you can even find Tiffany inspired jewelry that [B][URL=http://www.pandoraforyou.com]pandora necklaces[/URL][/B] reproduces the Tiffany style down to the box. Tiffany jewelry is traditionally sterling [U][B]tiffany jewelry[/U][/B] silver as the Tiffany Company has produced a special blend of silver that is very strong [U]pandora bangles[/U] and will last.
It is not a direct replica but it is inspired from the Tiffany style so [B][URL=http://www.etiffanystore.com]tiffany charms[/URL][/B] many of the pieces are very similar to Tiffany. Some companies [U][B]pandora bracelets[/U][/B] may even produce direct replicas. The main difference between real Tiffany's jewelry [U]tiffany jewelry[/U] and the inspired version jewelry is the price tag. They are just as beautiful [U][B]tiffany charms[/U][/B] and classic as the real ones but at much more affordable prices. If you aspire for [B]tiffany charms[/B] a piece of Tiffany's then you should investigate Tiffany inspired jewelry.
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Trying to find an innovative and lucrative [B][URL=http://www.tiffanysfree.com]tiffany london[/URL][/B] business? A business on sterling silver jewelries may just be the one you are [U][B]tiffany jewellery[/U][/B] looking for. It's never that too difficult to find reasonably priced Tiffany wholesale jewelry to get you [U][B]pandora bangles[/U][/B] started on your way to being financially independent. The Internet is actually a good place [B]pandora[/B] to start. You virtually spend nothing to find the supplier you are seeking. No need to be technically knowledgeable to find [U]tiffany engagement rings][/U] your valuable information, a simple understanding of how to operate the computer and use a reliable search [B]tiffany london[/B] engine is all you need.
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The key to a profitable and lucrative business is to build a [U][B]pandora necklaces[/U][/B] large customer base. In order for you to get customers to comeback you must be [B][URL=http://www.tiffanysfree.com]tiffany rings[/URL][/B] able to please them with the quality of your items as well as the attractiveness of your designs. Always find unique [U][B]tiffany[/U][/B] and stylish designs, you wouldn't want to sell everybody else is selling. If your pieces are just ok and plain you may have difficulty [U][B]tiffany jewellery[/U][/B] keeping faithful customers. Aside from having quality merchandise you [U][B]pandora jewelry[/U][/B] also should be pricing them reasonably, not too expensive but not too cheap. Always make [B]tiffany bracelets[/B] your customers feel special in finding the best priced jewelries they [U][B]tiffany[/U][/B] can find.
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As y'all might have noticed, I will do whatever it takes to [B][URL=http://www.tiffanyfree.uk.com]tiffany pendants[/URL][/B] weed out the most popular and chic jewelry around, even it takes traveling to [U][B]tiffany jewellery[/U][/B] very warm, beautiful areas like the island of Siesta Key in Florida. In fact, I'm even staying an extra few days here [U]pandora[/U] just to make sure that I absorb as much information and style as humanly [B]tiffany co[/B] possible (either that or I'm simply not interested in journeying back to the cold tundra that is New York City). Either way, this is the best way for me to [B]pandora uk[/B] report back to you all the excellent styles that are pervading the fashion scene for the [U]tiffany & co][/U] spring and summer of 2009!
If any of you saw the 2008 romantic comedy, Fool's [U][B]pandora jewellery[/U][/B] Gold, I'm certain you found yourself frantically Googling Kate Hudson's Palm [B][URL=http://www.tiffanyfree.uk.com]tiffany[/URL][/B] Tree Necklace to find out where you could get one just like it. The palm tree necklace was popular last year, and is still flying [B]pandora beads[/B] off the shelves today. There truly is something appealing about this shining sterling silver and cubic zirconia necklace with its intricate palm tree design. Of course, we're all aware that [B]tiffany jewellery[/B] the palm tree necklace that Kate wears in the movie is the real Tiffany & Co. version, which is made of diamonds, but unless you [U][B]tiffany co[/U][/B] are also a multi-millionaire like Kate, you probably will also stick to the inspired [U]tiffany engagement rings][/U] version.
On top of various forms of palm tree jewelry, I have [U]pandora[/U] found a bevvy of starfish, seahorse, and turquoise and coral-colored jewelry in the many boutiques and shops that Siesta [U]tiffany engagement rings][/U] Key boasts. Look for two-tone starfish jewelry as a big hit this spring and summer, as well [U][B]pandora beads[/U][/B] as the Tiffany Inspired Anchor Necklaces, which is another fan-favorite. It also incorporates a [B]pandora uk[/B] sterling silver and cubic zirconia design that is nautical and airy for the [B]tiffany necklaces[/B] warmer weather.
Another ring that I get numerous compliments [B][URL=http://www.pandorajewellery.uk.com]pandora uk[/URL][/B] on is an oxidized silver ring that I wear that has a big round cultured freshwater pearl at its center. The oxidized [U][B]tiffany jewellery[/U][/B] silver and pearl blends classiness with art-nouveau for a modern look that is truly [U][B]pandora uk[/U][/B] unique and sure to catch some attention.
A major part of boosting person's [b][url=http://www.edhardy.uk.com]ed hardy UK[/url][/b] self-esteem and total personality package is derived from his [b]cheap ed hardy[/b] choice up garbing up in style or in ways he feels comfortable. It is a given fact that a person's way of styling himself up in everyday basis speaks a lot about his own personality. Bubbly and outgoing type of people more often than not choose light and pastel [u]cheap ed hardy[/u] shades while the more refined and reserved type of people settles for the safe shades of the [u][b]ed hardy[/u][/b] spectrum. But still there are those whose loud and expressive personalities are evident on the unique prints and cuts and styles that they make and match. Talk about the fashion sense that goes beyond the mold of monotony. Ed Hardy Clothing is the name of the apparel line. These are fresh, unique, vibrant and [b]ed hardy clothing[/b] stylish apparel choices like hoodies, jeans and shirts, caps and long sleeved shirts.
Having the chance to purchase and literally wear the [b]cheap ed hardy[/b] clothes that are dictated by the latest fashion craze brings natural high to the person. However, the ability to wear the latest fad with ease and comfort remains to be the challenging part. This is mainly affirmed by the idea that one fashion forecast may [b]ed hardy clothes[/b] not always fit every single person. But Ed Hardy jeans and shirts are so stylish and flexible that it can be literally worn by almost [u][b]ed hardy UK[/u][/b] everyone. The shirts and jeans are made of lightweight materials and every shirt has that unique and expressive print that captures the vintage look. These are [b][url=http://www.edhardy.uk.com]ed hardy clothes[/url][/b] so carefully conceptualized by the greatest tattoo artist of [u]ed hardy[/u] his time, Ed Hardy. That simply confirms that the ideas and concepts embedded on the Ed Hardy Clothing are rooted to the natural flair of its maker and founder for unique and meticulous designs.
The street wear for the street smart speaks [b]ed hardy[/b] a lot about the fashion concepts of Ed Hardy Clothing Line. The suave cuts and colors in the Ed Hardy Hoodies has become a popular flair among those who choose to mellow on their daily garb. The sneakers and Ed Hardy Jeans are [u][b]ed hardy t shirts[/u][/b] complemented by the Ed Hardy Hoodies with its intricate vintage prints. The young professionals who choose not be held captives of the preppy and casual look of collars and slacks opt for the lazy jeans, shirts and hoodies for that relaxed and casual feel. This is the [u]ed hardy[/u] normal look preferred by the hippies, artists and yuppies alike.
When we buy something, we are always [B][URL=http://www.pandoraforyou.com]pandora bracelet[/URL][/B] thinking that it had better never become devaluated. The one piece that never loses [U][B]tiffany rings[/U][/B] its value is always what people want most. Sometimes, the one [B]pandora beads[/B] piece would raise its price [U][B]tiffany pendants[/U][/B] with the rise of money. Here is recommended the pieces that [B]pandora jewellery[/B] would always be treasured - Tiffany. The watches, bags, bracelets, necklaces. There will always be a classical piece in all the categories [U]pandora necklaces[/U] of Tiffany.
First comes to the tank watches which [B][URL=http://www.etiffanystore.com]tiffany co[/URL][/B] are the favorite of a lot of people around the world. Of course, just like other [B]tiffany jewelry[/B] kinds of watches, Tiffany watches have both man and woman [U][B]pandora necklaces[/U][/B] style. No matter what kind of style [U]tiffany rings[/U] or color it is, the tank watch always has its classical features. The tank watch is called one [U][B]pandora[/U][/B] of the very important objects in the world.
The watches have the [B]pandora bracelet[/B] unique shape and "favored by all" watch bands. The mixture shape of geometry [B][URL=http://www.etiffanystore.com]tiffany[/URL][/B] and art gives the tank watch its lasting value. Women with the [U]tiffany[/U] watches look more professional and modern [U]tiffany engagement rings[/U] while men with the watch seem more [U]pandora necklaces[/U] approachable.
Also, there is the famous bags which are one [U][B]tiffany[/U][/B] of those things that women want to put into their closets. Although [U][B]pandora bangles[/U][/B] as time goes on, every year each brand will have its display of new [B]tiffany bracelets[/B] arrivals, the bags are always put at the [B]pandora necklaces[/B] most attractive places. Not only because of its nice style but also because of [U]tiffany rings[/U] its functional usage, the special bag becomes one of the classics.
As y'all might have noticed, I will do whatever it takes to [B][URL=http://www.tiffanyfree.uk.com]tiffany engagement rings[/URL][/B] weed out the most popular and chic jewelry around, even it takes traveling to [U][B]tiffany bracelets[/U][/B] very warm, beautiful areas like the island of Siesta Key in Florida. In fact, I'm even staying an extra few days here [U]pandora beads[/U] just to make sure that I absorb as much information and style as humanly [B]tiffany[/B] possible (either that or I'm simply not interested in journeying back to the cold tundra that is New York City). Either way, this is the best way for me to [B]pandora bracelets[/B] report back to you all the excellent styles that are pervading the fashion scene for the [U]tiffany co][/U] spring and summer of 2009!
If any of you saw the 2008 romantic comedy, Fool's [U][B]pandora[/U][/B] Gold, I'm certain you found yourself frantically Googling Kate Hudson's Palm [B][URL=http://www.tiffanyfree.uk.com]tiffany[/URL][/B] Tree Necklace to find out where you could get one just like it. The palm tree necklace was popular last year, and is still flying [B]pandora bracelets[/B] off the shelves today. There truly is something appealing about this shining sterling silver and cubic zirconia necklace with its intricate palm tree design. Of course, we're all aware that [B]tiffany rings[/B] the palm tree necklace that Kate wears in the movie is the real Tiffany & Co. version, which is made of diamonds, but unless you [U][B]tiffany[/U][/B] are also a multi-millionaire like Kate, you probably will also stick to the inspired [U]tiffany co][/U] version.
On top of various forms of palm tree jewelry, I have [U]pandora jewellery[/U] found a bevvy of starfish, seahorse, and turquoise and coral-colored jewelry in the many boutiques and shops that Siesta [U]tiffany][/U] Key boasts. Look for two-tone starfish jewelry as a big hit this spring and summer, as well [U][B]pandora beads[/U][/B] as the Tiffany Inspired Anchor Necklaces, which is another fan-favorite. It also incorporates a [B]pandora uk[/B] sterling silver and cubic zirconia design that is nautical and airy for the [B]tiffany london[/B] warmer weather.
Another ring that I get numerous compliments [B][URL=http://www.pandorajewellery.uk.com]pandora[/URL][/B] on is an oxidized silver ring that I wear that has a big round cultured freshwater pearl at its center. The oxidized [U][B]tiffany jewellery[/U][/B] silver and pearl blends classiness with art-nouveau for a modern look that is truly [U][B]pandora bracelets[/U][/B] unique and sure to catch some attention.
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